The RVP, supported by the members of the Comité de travail national sur les pères et la périnatalité and many partners, has developed a strategic platform that presents concrete proposals to promote the integration of fatherhood and joint parenthood during the perinatal period. The document focuses on the trajectory of services during the perinatal period (pregnancy follow-up, prenatal meetings, delivery, postnatal follow-up, complications, etc.) as well as public policies, the training of stakeholders and managers, research, and societal advocacy.
We are convinced that the implementation of these proposals would be a game-changer and would send a strong message to Quebec parents about the importance of all parents. The inclusion of fathers, co-parents, and couples in perinatal follow-up would allow for families being better prepared at birth and for the better detection of more difficult situations resulting in a more targeted, effective, and timely intervention for the well-being of all family members.

Proposals at a glance